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How does The Dream Factory Hardware XL program work?
  • The XL program takes teams with hardware ideas and prototypes and turns them into viable companies. We look to recruit teams of entrepreneurs who have a concept or ideally an early prototype for a high-growth startup.


  • The teams go through a selective process and agree to locate themselves in Ho Chi Minh City for the duration of the program. Over 15 weeks, they will build and refine their prototype product, launch to an initial group of customers (local, angel investments, crowdfunding, etc.), and test their delivery and/or business models.

  • During the last two weeks, each startup creates a polished company pitch and demo to present to press, investors and potential partners at The Dream Factory Demo Day in Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, or Singapore.

What can The Dream Factory XL program offer?
  • Provide initial funding for a business plan and build enough of a demo, prototype or beta product, in order to launch the product on a crowdfunding campaign or generate revenue.


  • Provide in-house programming, manufacturing and engineering expertise to assist on the hardware side of the project.


  • Help to create the company’s branding, business model, positioning, and product design all the way through launch and manufacturing.


  • Connection with potential investors and strategic partners, as well as advisors and press.

  • Introducing to world-class mentors and alumni – especially MIT - who have expertise in starting companies, developing innovative consumer products. These will be some of the most valuable connections to make as an entrepreneur.

What type of products can we produce?
  • Work with local businesses to create customized products.


  • Customized physical products with electronics and IoT components.


  • Manufacture 100-1000 pieces directly in the factory.


  • Promotional and sales products for local and international companies.


  • Create products for local and online retail.

  • All products incorporate unique manufacturing techniques and electronics.

How will equipment rental work?
  • Hourly rental for users by vouchers.


  • Hourly rate depends on machines.


  • Users can buy memberships to use.


  • Users required to have training certificates.


  • 3 levels of equipment – 3 price ranges.

How will equipment training work?
  • Weekly courses for different types of users of all types of machines.


  • Users will earn specific certificates in order to use machines.


  • All machines will require users to complete training.


  • Training will incorporate processes of creating files, submitting and using the equipment.


  • Trainees will qualify to become trainers and get hired as trainers.

How will we work with education institutions?
  • Work directly and sign yearly contracts for each middle/high school year.


  • Customize the curriculum with local international schools.


  • Dedicated Makers’ Space for the schools.


  • Summer and after-school specific programs.


  • Space rental for school activities.

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